Currently Creasing: Week of September 30

Currently Creasing: Week of September 30

Photograph of Joan Didion ℅ Intentional Aesthetics

Photograph of Joan Didion ℅ Intentional Aesthetics

Here’s what our team has for you to bookmark & read this week

  1. Stressed Out By Politics? Here's How To Keep Caring Without Losing Your Cool: Discussions of these issues can quickly get heated and toxic, and even affect our health.

  2. The Benefits of Rebounding After a Breakup: A post break-up relationship could be the best thing for us, and if it happens to be with someone similar to our ex, there’s a simple reason.

  3. The Age of Bathfluence: In the new bathing landscape, plain old Mr. Bubble no longer cuts it.

  4. How We Should Be Eating With Climate Change in One Graphic: The facts are pretty stark. The globe is going to have to feed close to 10 billion people by the middle of the century, with much of the increase fueled by population growth in China and India.

  5. And on that note, How to Develop an Appetite for Insects: Scientists who study bugs are thinking harder about how to turn them into good food.

  6. Feeling Insecure? 6 Tips To Quiet Your Inner Critic: You have a voice inside your head. It runs constantly, providing live commentary about your life to the audience of your brain.

  7. Have You Tried Overnight Oats?: Hey! Good to see you. How are things? Bad? Well, I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: you need to try overnight oats.

  8. What’s a ‘good death’? It’s not quite the peaceful drifting off I’d imagined for my dad: In hospice, the drugs couldn’t take away all my elderly father’s pain and nausea as he was dying. But the care he was given did make a difference.

  9. Congratulations, You Survived Black Hole Week: Here are three cosmic events you may have missed and that fortunately missed you.

Thought of the Week

"The willingness to accept responsibility for one's own life is the source from which self-respect springs."

Joan Didion

Sage, "Spirit Animals," and More: 4 Ways To Honor Native Americans Without Appropriating Our Culture

Sage, "Spirit Animals," and More: 4 Ways To Honor Native Americans Without Appropriating Our Culture

There’s Evidence That Climate Activism Could Be Swaying Public Opinion in the U.S.

There’s Evidence That Climate Activism Could Be Swaying Public Opinion in the U.S.