Full Moon in Aquarius

Full Moon in Aquarius


This is another guest post in the Mama Moon series by the lighthouse Desirée Pais, founder + beauty alchemist behind Benshen, who gathers women under the light of mama moon to ignite an equally bright light within their own beings. I felt the sparks of these souls in their New York gathering + wanted to fling that to a platform that would raise the consciousness beyond those physical borders. Desirée has kindly agreed to share her deep wisdom from her gathering + on tonight's incredibly potent Blue Moon with us. This Blue Moon has not occured since twenty twelve and brings in a long-awaited breath of release into expansion. Welcome in Desirée's radiance for a fuller experience of the magic tonight . . . 

O N C E   I N   A   B L U E   M O O N  |  F U L L   M O O N   I N   A Q U A R I U S 

July seems to have been the most intense moon cycles by far.The Capricorn/Cancer/Aquarius triad has brought to surface many deeply rooted fears and (keyword) perceived limitations about ourselves and the world around us. These limitations live in the subconscious mind, which rules approximately 95% of our being, and is the driving force of our conscious mind and actions. 

As everything is vibrating matter, the frequencies of the moon actually affects the subtle frequencies of our subconscious mind, which is why we have worked with the moon cycles in ceremony for thousands of years. On the Full Moon, our subconscious fears, doubts, insecurities, and imprints rise up to the surface, heightening them, leaving us with a choice: release them or be imprisoned by them, again and again.

The Full Moon on July 31st is incredibly special as it’s the second Full Moon of the Month, the mystical Blue Moon in Aquarius. The old saying, “once in a blue moon” has high meaning, especially now with the Aquarius energy which opens our eyes to see that it’s now or never. All the lessons we have been learning over the last few years, all the challenges, all the struggles were NOT for nothing: they are the highest teachings and our greatest tools for awakening. 

A few weeks ago, I was watching Hector and the Search for Happiness in bed one evening with my boyfriend. Without ruining the movie, there was one scene on an airplane where one of the passengers had a tumor in her brain, causing her immense pain in the high altitude. Hector rushed from first class to help her, eventually getting the pilots to lower the plane to release pressure on her brain. He kindly too her to first class and consoled her the entire flight. She asked him in her own way if she was going to die. Yes, he had to confirm, she would. While deep, it was incredibly sweet and immensely loving as he held this strangers hand while she reclined in his seat. 

I found myself crying. Here I was, diagnosed with auto-immune in 2012, diagnosed with PCOS in 2014, and still working on following the healing protocols I have been given. I realized, there was absolutely no one in the way of my healing and my power except for myself, another lesson this Aquarian Full Moon moon is teaching us. I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom so my boyfriend wouldn't see the tears rolling down my face. As I pressed the towel into my eyes, the lesson flashed across my mind with such a clarity that it was as if someone else had just whispered it into my ear: if you didn't take the route you took, you would have never learned as much as you have, and you would never have been able to help as many people as you have, and you would have never cultivated the amount of compassion you have.

Over the last few years, I have gone down a long and winding rabbit hole of knowledge in order to seek out answers to the experiences I was riding through. I have studied and continue to study with some of the most incredible and powerful beings on this planet. I have met an amazing community who support me and I support them. I launched a line of essential oil alchemies, birthed out of a struggle with cystic acne. I now lead moon gatherings, guided meditations, and work with clients, helping them to see the beauty in the challenges and become victorious over our own self-imposed suffering. And that is the energy of this Blue Moon in Aquarius: to use the struggles as blessings in disguise, to see that you and only you have the power to make the changes, and that you and only you are your highest teacher, more powerful than you understand right now. 

Here are three ritual tools to use on the evening of the Blue Moon to release patterns . . .

s o u n d   c u r r e n t

one of my favorite sound currents around the Moon is Ajai Alai by Ajeet Kaur. It activates the Radiant body, giving us courage, confidence, and strength to charge on through the changes we wish to make and to let go of that which has grips on us. Play it constantly for the three days before and three days after the Full Moon.  

m e d i t a t i o n

Moon cycles are a great time to start a meditation practice. Find one that works for you (there are so many traditions!) and try it for the next forty days. I also offer sessions to help you find the right meditation for you to help give you the energy and power to move through the current challenges arising in your life.

a l c h e m y

Using essential oils are wonderful ways to work with the energies of the moon. Here is a blend I have created for the Full Moon to help build internal courage, raise the spirits, and uplift myself during challenging times:

F U L L  M O O N   I N   A Q U A R I U S   A L C H E M Y
0.5 oz sweet almond oil
1 drop rose
2 drops lemon
2 drops clary sage
1 drop yarrow

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