Life in Lemons

Life in Lemons

Think of a lemon, in all its sour, pungent, tart, dripping and juicy form. Acidic, sharp, and face-twisting. Biting at your lips and your senses. Uncomfortable yet enlivening—a sensory revival. Consumed, it takes a completely different turn of effects on your body: alkaline, balanced, soluble. Acid originally, it has a complete opposite alkaline effect on the body. Disassociated with its external context and shape, it dissolves into neutrality and creates equilibrium or even a higher state. 

This week, let's take what life gives us as lemons. Let's digest the sour, the sad news of our lives with the realisation and trust that when we digest them emotionally + with the time they deserve, they will bring us back to a state of balance. They will elevate us into our own higher form . . . 

Summer Sun Protection Guide

Summer Sun Protection Guide

Hacking Sleep

Hacking Sleep