Currently Creasing №9

Currently Creasing №9


I updated my SHOP section for your perusal. It has sections for the dressing room, powder room, and kitchen, including specific recommendations for supplements.

1 | The fool-proof guide to poaching the perfect egg according to The Splendid Kitchen on NPR 

2 | Finance tips for your 20s and beyond
3 | Like it or not, not every woman needs to be a mother

4 | Bring this book to your next girls' gathering

5 | The grain-free, refined sugar-free, crap-free chocolate cake mix that I made and blew away a birthday party with last weekend

6 | Two packages of the bath salts that completely restored my knee irritated by marathon training 

7 | A book on the wisdom of Vedic astrology thanks to my dear friend Joanna Andrea, a wellness teacher I recommend to anyone who is in Washington, D.C.

8 | I'm running to this playlist as the sun rises every morning & playing this new album on repeat during the day

9 | A new ancestral- and forager-oriented blog I discovered via NPR with an emphasis on nutrient-dense game meats and forgotten plants

10 | This bra top & matching shorts will put a pep in your step to hop on over to the track or gym—plus 30% off with code LOTSTOSHOP!

11 | A 30-day Law of Attraction challenge to unplug negative draws from your life

12 | Carrot pickles without vinegar or sugar as an appetiser to tend to your tastebuds and week


the T H O U G H T  O F  T H E  W E E K

"The problem is you're too busy . . .

holding onto your unworthiness"



A Guide to Collagen

A Guide to Collagen

The Momentum

The Momentum