3 Coffee Alternatives

3 Coffee Alternatives

Golden Cacao Latté

Profile note: Raw cacao contains theobromine, which touts many benefits including increased bioavailability of nitric oxide that aids in the circulation of blood as well as regulating brain activity


6 ounces of hot, sub-boiling plant-based milk, I prefer almond or coconut that's been diluted in half with water
2 tablespoons Crio Bru or Anandemide, the latter will impart an earthier note
1 tablespoon coconut manna
1 teaspoon organic turmeric powder
1/2 teaspoon suma powder, a flavour & energetic profile sister of maca that is a ginseng rather than a root
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon, I prefer this brand as it's certified gluten-free
1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom
1/8th teaspoon vanilla bean powder or extract
1/8 teaspoon ground ginger
Pinch of pink salt or smoked sea salt
Optional sweetener to taste, such as stevia

I. Heat the milk on medium-high heat until it's hot but not boiling, which can tamper with the integrity of these sensitive plant matters.

II. Pour hot milk along with the rest of the ingredients into a high-speed blender to blend for about half a minute.

III. Serve your frothy latté & enjoy!

Caramel Chai

Profile note: The Chai blend below not only imparts a sultry, peppery flavour but also contains four medicinal adaptogens—Lion's Mane mushroom, Astragalus, Tremella, & Cordyceps—that aid in mental & energetic focus.


3 ounces of hot, sub-boiling coconut milk and water

1 packet of chai

1 tablespoon cinnamon red maca almond butter

1 teaspoon raw coconut oil

Pinch of pink salt or smoked sea salt



I. I. Heat the milk on medium-high heat until it's hot but not boiling, which can tamper with the integrity of these sensitive plant matters.

II. Pour hot milk along with the rest of the ingredients into a high-speed blender to blend for about half a minute.

III. Serve your frothy latté & enjoy!

Cordyceps Cream Latté

Profile note: Cordyceps has been my long-time energiser bunny of sorts for marathon training. I usually drink it pre-run but this recipe is an indulgent, creamy option for refuel or a treat . . .


6 ounces of hot, sub-boiling plant-based milk
1 packet of Four Sigmatic Cordyceps
1 tablespoon coconut manna
1 tablespoon coconut cream powder

Pinch of pink salt or smoked sea salt

1 scoop of Collagen Powder, optional but will render a frothier latté


I. I. Heat the milk on medium-high heat until it's hot but not boiling, which can tamper with the integrity of these sensitive plant matters.

II. Pour hot milk along with the rest of the ingredients into a high-speed blender to blend for about half a minute.

III. Serve your frothy latté & enjoy!

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