Currently Creasing: Week of April 29

Currently Creasing: Week of April 29

Here’s what our team has for you to bookmark & read this week

  1. Oliver Sacks: The Healing Power of Gardens. Even for people who are deeply disabled neurologically, nature can be more powerful than any medication.

  2. Drowning In Parenting Advice? Here's Some Advice For That.

  3. Some Immigrants Choose Between Food Stamps and a Green Card. A Trump proposal is scaring legal immigrants away from essential health programs.

  4. If you know someone struggling with despair, depression or thoughts of suicide, you may be wondering how to help. Reach Out: Ways To Help A Loved One At Risk Of Suicide.

  5. Quitting Instagram: She’s one of the millions disillusioned with social media. But she also helped create it.

  6. Meta-Post: Posts on the Mind-Body Problem. Cross-Check columns on consciousness, free will and other mind-related puzzles . . .

Thought of the Week

"Remember that consciousness is power. Consciousness is education and knowledge. Consciousness is becoming aware. It is the perfect vehicle for students. Consciousness-raising is pertinent for power, and be sure that power will not be abusively used, but used for building trust and goodwill domestically and internationally. Tomorrow's world is yours to build."

Yuri Kochiyama

Begin Within: Pimples & Acne

Begin Within: Pimples & Acne

Rose & Walnut Dill Salad

Rose & Walnut Dill Salad