Currently Creasing: Week of February 10

Currently Creasing: Week of February 10

Here’s what our team has for you to bookmark & read this week

  1. Why Men Think Plant-Based Meat Will Turn Them Into Women: A viral claim that Impossible Whoppers would make men “grow boobs” plays into long-held beliefs about power and sex.

  2. The Nuclear Family Was a Mistake: The family structure we’ve held up as the cultural ideal for the past half century has been a catastrophe for many. It’s time to figure out better ways to live together.

  3. For Gen-X women, grappling with the anxiety and sleepless nights of midlife angst: After decades of doing everything right, and growing up at a time when women were told they could do everything, this was not how life was supposed to go.

  4. Could a Keto Diet Be Bad for Athletes’ Bones? Race walkers on a low-carbohydrate, high-fat ketogenic diet showed early signs indicative of bone loss.

  5. There’s Nothing Thrilling About Trauma: Border stories are complicated. They necessarily intersect with systemic oppression, racism, and the effects of the U.S. empire.

  6. Your Weed Buying Habits Can Make the Cannabis Industry More Ethical and Fair: The history of cannabis in America is rife with racism and inequality. Here's how to use your spending power to fight for change.

  7. ‘Star Trek’ Failed to Reckon with Our Greatest Threat: Climate Change:Science fiction—with its focus on the future—provides space for imagining a more socially and ecologically just world.

  8. 27 Novels Feminists Should Read in 2020: A powerful list from our friends at Bitch.

  9. Is it impossible to breastfeed and have a full-time job? US working mothers who wish to breastfeed must navigate a lack of sufficient maternity leave and unspoken financial costs – not to mention time.

  10. “Parasite” Explores What Lies Beneath: The unequal world envisioned by Bong Joon-ho could be heading for class war or a brokered peace—for savagery or stillness, or both.

Thought of the Week

“plunge ahead, put one foot in front of the other, straighten your back and your shoulders and everything else that is likely to slump, buck up and go forward, and in this way, every obstacle, be it physical or only imaged, falls face down in obeisance and in absolute defeat . . .” 

— Jamaica Kincaid

Lymph Love: Supporting the Immune System through Self-Care Practices

Lymph Love: Supporting the Immune System through Self-Care Practices

Persimmon Salsa

Persimmon Salsa